The SPMO Endowment Fund
The aim of the SPMO Endowment Fund is to support and advance the vision of the orchestra for the long term. The Fund is designed to provide a permanent source of income by keeping the original amount invested and using the accrued income from dividends for the orchestra’s initiatives. This means that the orchestra can depend on a reliable source of income to constantly improve its artistic quality, maintain an extensive schedule of concerts, and extend its services to under-served people in the community, especially children and elderly, each and every season.
Sustaining a well-funded endowment with the St Paul Metropolitan Orchestra ensures ongoing financial support for the organization while guaranteeing a return on your investment.
No income or principal from the Fund shall be used for any other purpose than music performance, music education, or musical outreach or any purpose that would be inconsistent with the SPMO’s standing as a non-profit institution.

Drop us a line
Are you interested in supporting the SPMO through an Endowment? To discuss your investment in more detail contact our office and we will be happy to give you more details and direct you accordingly.
+356 7905 5960