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Corporate Giving

Corporate Partnerships provide businesses the opportunity to reach large audiences who care about the arts, support local organizations, and pay attention to our sponsors.

An investment in the SPMO means that you care about standards and that you appreciate the quality of an excellent musical experience. It also means that you understand the importance of music as an integral part of our culture and the need to educate upcoming generations about the arts.

An investment with the SPMO is an investment in community excellence.





Sponsorship Schemes

Sponsorship Schemes

SPMO offers a variety of sponsorship schemes to suit all budgets. You can sponsor an entire concert series, a single performance, one of our musicians, or a community engagement program. From the stage to the concert program, there is a sponsorship opportunity to suit your musical taste and your marketing needs. We will gladly create a sponsorship proposal to accommodate your marketing budget.


As an SPMO sponsor, you will enjoy a variety of benefits. Below are just some of the wonderful benefits we offer to our sponsors:


  • Recognition of your company as a concert sponsor in press releases and promotional materials.

  • Complimentary tickets to your sponsored concert(s).

  • Recognition of your company on the SPMO website and Facebook page.

  • Invitations to exclusive events throughout the concert season, including the SPMO Christmas Gala.


Click on any of the sponsorship schemes below for more details:




Corporate Partnerships


As a Corporate Partner, you will receive all the benefits of a Platinum sponsorship extended over the year's performance season.  You will also be presented with a Corporate Partner of the SPMO certificate at one of the SPMO's performances.


150% Tax Deduction Initiative


As a benefactor you may wish to benefit of the 150% Tax Deduction initiative on donations to culture offered by Arts Council Malta. Click here for further details.



Flute Player in Orchestra


Valid for four concerts at the discretion of the management.


  • The company’s logo will appear on the back cover of the programmes.

  • A full-page advert in colour will be placed in the concert programmes.

  • The company can provide a pull up banner to be displayed in a prominent place during each performance.

  • The company can provide promotional material such catalogues, brochures etc. to be distributed to the audiences.

  • The company’s logo will appear in any material leading to the concert including posters, flyers and promotional video clips.

  • The company will be mentioned during the concert by the compere as one of the main sponsors.

  • The advert will be boosted online on social networks for four weeks prior to each event.

  • The company’s logo will be placed on the SPMO’s website and an advert on  the orchestra's Facebook page.

  • The company will be provided with 8 complimentary tickets for each concert (where applicable).

  • Access to VIP After Concert Dinners.

  • Invitation to the exclusive Christmas Gala reception. 


 Valid for four concerts at the discretion of the management.


  • A half page advert in colour will be placed in the concert programmes.

  • The company’s logo will be placed on the posters and flyers advertising the concert.

  • The company’s logo will be placed on the SPMO's website and an advert on the orchestra’s Facebook page. The advert will be boosted online on social networks for three whole weeks prior to each event.

  • The company will be mentioned during the concert by the compere as one of the main sponsors.

  • The company will be provided with 6 complimentary tickets for each concert (where applicable)

  • Access to VIP After Concert Dinners.

  • Invitation to the exclusive Christmas Gala reception. 



Valid for four concerts at the discretion of the management.


  • A quarter page advert in colour will be placed in the concert programmes.

  • The advert will be boosted online on social networks for two whole weeks prior to each event.

  • The company’s logo will be placed on the SPMO’s website and an advert on the orchestra’s Facebook page.

  • The company will be provided with 4 complimentary tickets for each concert (where applicable).

  • Access to VIP After Concert Dinners.

  • Invitation to the exclusive Christmas Gala reception. 


Sponsor a Chair

Valid for four concerts at the discretion of the management.


  • The name of your company will be listed next to the name of a musician in the concert programmes.

  • The company’s logo will be placed in the concert programmes.

  • The company’s logo will be placed on the St Paul Metropolitan Orchestra’s Facebook page when promoting the events.

  • The company will be provided with 2 complimentary tickets for each concert


Sponsor One Event

  • A half page advert in colour will be placed in the performance programme.

  • The company’s logo will be placed on the St Paul Metropolitan Orchestra’s Facebook page when promoting the performance.

  • The company will be provided with 2 complimentary tickets for the selected performance.

Sponsor One Event

Tax Deduction Scheme

During Budget 2016, Government announced a new measure to encourage further partnerships between Malta’s business community and the cultural sector.


Through this measure, companies giving donations to eligible organisations, may claim the amount donated at 150% against the income for the year of assessment when the donation was made. The maximum tax deduction is capped at €50,000. This incentive came into effect as of 1st January 2016.

This incentive is intended for Limited Liability Companies and those Partnerships that are registered to be treated as a company.


Downloadable Documents

Tax Deduction Scheme

St Paul Metropolitan Orchestra is an operative name of the The Medina Foundation for Music.


 The Medina Foundation for Music is a Voluntary Organisation registered with the Office of the Commissioner of Voluntary Organisations, having satisfied the provisions of the Second Schedule of the Civil Code and has been registered as a Legal Person by the Registrar for Legal Persons.


Registration Number: 1332

Date of Enrollment: 16th September 2016 

Address:   66, Triq Guze` Damato,

                    Paola PLA 1243



Tel:             (+356) 7905 5960



Copyright© 2021 by St Paul Metropolitan Orchestra

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